
2024 凝冬

雪見松露和牛肉餅 Wagyu Truffle Beef Patty with Mashed Yam


The Australian M9 Wagyu hand-pressed patty is topped with evenly marbled Japanese A5 Wagyu, seared to perfection on-site to release the aroma of truffle. When the patty is cut open, a golden egg yolk flows out. It is then drizzled with truffle-infused silky mushrooms and mashed yam, delivering a burst of multi-layered flavors with every bite.

2024 凝冬

松葉蟹清湯掛麵 Matsuba Crab Consommé with Thin Noodles


Using the French technique of clarifying broth, a generous amount of crab shells, prawns, and fish bones are slowly simmered for two and a half hours, then clarified and filtered to produce a flavorful, umami-rich crab consommé. Served with Matsuba crab legs and delicate vegetable noodles, this dish may appear simple and light, yet it carries a profound and rich depth of flavor.

秋常 2024

鮑貝蝦蟹珠寶盒 A treasure box of shrimp, crab, and abalone.


2024 凝冬

草莓大福 Strawberry Daifuku


A perfect fusion of tradition and innovation. Fresh strawberries are wrapped in soft mochi skin, filled with smooth mascarpone cheese. The harmony of fruity sweetness and creamy richness delivers a refreshing and delightful experience in every bite, reinterpreting the essence of Japanese wagashi.

秋常 2024

石斑山藥牛奶煨麵 Noodles simmered with grouper, yam, and milk.


舞春-2024 Spring

青柚甜蝦燉大根 Simmered Daikon with Sweet Shrimp and Green Pomelo Consommé


冬 Winter

蕪菁蔬菜濃湯 Turnip Vegetable Soup


The old hen is simmered over high heat for 4 hours to fully extract the gelatin and fats. The chicken soup is cooked with   

Kyoto turnip, mustard greens, and sauteed clams. The slow melting of cream on top is like a warm winter sun, while the rich gelatin from the chicken soup is enhanced by various vegetables.

秋常 2024

家常燉肉 Traditional Braised Meat.


舞春-2024 Spring

帆立貝燒 Baked Scallops with Cheese


冬 Winter

旬味釜飯 Seasonal Kamameshi Rice

從台中市區要前往飛花落院的路上有很多土雞城、甕缸雞,飛花落院特別想把這個味道保留下來,讓更多人認識在地的風土。因此選用日本 Anaori的碳石墨鍋將每一鍋由生米煮成熟飯,米飯口感特別鬆軟Q彈,拌上烤雞油以及低溫烘烤的桃太郎番茄及炙燒過後香氣撲鼻的鹹豬肉、南瓜、栗子,是來《飛花落院》的必吃料理。

This must-have dish, Kamameshi Rice,  is served with low-temperature roasted Japanese Momotaro tomatoes, seared salted pork, pumpkin,  chestnuts, and  drizzled with roasted chicken oil and peppercorns; this aroma is from the smell of many local roast chicken restaurants along the road from Taichung to Xinshe. Kamameshi Rice is cooked in the graphite pot of Anaori Japan, and the texture of the rice is particularly fluffy.

春 Spring

鯖魚棒壽司 KonbuMakiShime Saba Sushi


The vinegar-pickled cherry blossoms and basil are mixed into the rice to retain the seasonal taste, and then the mackerel sticks are pressed into stick sushi with Japanese Tokushima sour orange vinegar, and the mackerel stick sushi is covered with charcoal-grilled crispy seaweed. The soft oily aroma of mackerel melts in your mouth

舞春-2024 Spring

山葵牛舌煮 Simmered Beef Tongue with Wasabi


春 Spring

明太子春蔬 Mentaiko Spring Vegetables


Wake up your taste buds with tender sprouting vegetables tossed with mildly spicy cold roe. The dish is served with various kinds of wild vegetables  and Tosazu jelly.

春 Spring

金山寺冰頭 Hizu with Kinzanji Miso


The thinly-sliced salmon head cartilage with Kinzanji Miso is served in the black bowl from the Paiwan tribe in Taitung, like the clay at the bottom of a stream, where there seems to be fish hiding under the golden lotus leaves.

春 Spring

花生杏仁豆腐 Peanut Almond Tofu


Combining the fragrance of southern apricot and the rich flavor of northern apricot, the mixture is finely ground and cooked to create a smooth and silky texture with a soft and chewy consistency. With the addition of peanut textures and Koya tofu, it blends the rich aroma of soybeans, peanuts, and almonds, creating a multi-layered taste sensation.

秋 Autumm

炙烤和牛田樂燒 Grilled Wagyu Beef with Miso Dengaku Sauce


Japanese eggplant is roasted, then spread with Miso Dengaku sauce, and topped with sizzling A5 Wagyu beef filet and radish puree.

秋 Autumm

柚香手打胡麻豆腐 Sesame Tofu Hand Made


Underneath the white kombu, we layer peeled sweet green beans, and sweet shrimps from Guishan Island.The handmade Tofu below is made by sautéing black and white sesame seeds with soy milk. This dish is served with the aroma of Japanese green grapefruit mixed with a rich and silky sesame sauce.

冬 Winter

68小時鹽麴漬昆布牛 68-hour Sous Vide Beef Short Ribs with Shio Koji and Kombu Sauce

經過24小時鹽麴和昆布醃漬,再用低溫烹調 32小時,靜置 12小時後,再以大火煎烤到表皮酥脆,牛小排肉質香甜、牛筋香Q有嚼勁,佐上鹽麴、蔥薑醬和炸過的蒜片及帶有辛辣感的柚子胡椒一起帶出牛小排不同風味的香甜和飽滿的香氣。

After 24 hours of shio koji sauce and kombu marinade, cooked at low temperature for 32 hours and left to rest for 12 hours, beef short ribs then sautéed over high heat until the skin is crispy, the meat is sweet, and the beef tendons are chewy. The shio koji, shallot ginger sauce, fried garlic and spicy yuzu pepper bring out the sweetness and fullness of the flavor of the short ribs.

春 Spring


春夏菜單的『 白 』選用了有著蔬菜白皇后之稱的白蘆筍和猶如白牡丹一般的白舞菇,淋上用白米熬煮口感絲滑微甜的「泔」,為春天的皇后披上一層如絲緞般的白紗,也為春天蔬菜的微苦增加爽脆的微甜。

The 'White' selection from the spring and summer menu features the vegetable queen of white asparagus and the white dancing mushroom resembling a white peony, topped with a silky and slightly sweet “gan” made from white rice. This adds a layer of silky white veil to the queen of spring, while also enhancing the crisp sweetness of the vegetables' slight bitterness.

秋 Autumm

明太子西瓜番茄冷麵 Salmon Roe Cold Noodles with Watermelon and Tomatoes


One kilogram of tomatoes extracts only 200 grams of  clear tomato broth, drizzling over a sous vide soft trout salted with three types of orange peels, and Japanese somen noodles covered with slightly spicy watermelon and  tomato. The perilla flowers leave an elegant aroma in the mouth, making this appetizer like a colorful firework in the sky.

春 Spring

甲殼佃煮 Shellfish Tsukudani


Gathering the freshest and most beautiful spring shellfish, this dish features slow-cooked Taiwanese Pearl Abalone and Irish Whelk, infused with a delicate soy sauce aroma and a slightly sweet and bitter aftertaste. Through the sauce, enjoy  the hidden sweetness underneath the “armor” of the shellfish.

冬 Winter

昆布醋橘厚岸生蠔 Akkeshi Oyster with Kombu and Sudachi Vinegar Jelly


Oysters in Akkeshi, Hokkaido grow slowly due to the low temperature of the sea water, which causes them to take in more nutrients. They also become plump and tasty in the cold season. The chef enhances the fresh flavor of the oysters by topping them with Kombu and Sudachi  Vinegar Jelly.

秋 Autumm

旬味蒲燒鰻魚釜飯 Grilled Eel Kamameshi Rice

熱騰騰的釜飯放上蒲燒鰻,散發鰻魚的醬香與油脂,再用日本豐洲市場的林屋海苔及季節香物 ; 剝皮青龍椒、蘋果絲瓜、長豆及響皮來拌飯,豐富的香氣和口感帶來滿足的心情。選用日本 Anaori 的石墨鍋來煮釜飯,米飯的口感特別鬆軟,淋上烤雞油和花椒,這個香氣是從台中往新社路上一定會經過的大坑,沿路上很多土雞城的味道,藉由這個氣味來認識在地的風土。

The Kamameshi rice is topped with eel, filled with the aroma of eel sauce and grease. We use Japanese seaweed and seasonal spices, peeled green peppers, apple loofah, and long beans to mix with rice. The rich aroma and taste bring satisfaction.

The Kamameshi rice is cooked in the graphite pot of Anaori Japan, and the texture of the rice is particularly fluffy.

This dish is drizzled with roasted chicken oil and peppercorns; this aroma is from the smell of many local roast chicken restaurants along the road from Taichung to Xinshe.

秋 Autumm

蜜柚柑橘凍 Honey Citrus Jelly


The jelly was made by scooping out the whole flesh from the tangerine, removing the tangerine slices one by one, and then squeezing the juice. The fresh aroma of orange peel slowly blooms in the mouth.

春 Spring

月見甘露蝦子麵 Moonshine Manna Shrimp Noodles


Prawns from the northeast of Taiwan, wrapped in shrimp noodles and topped with a layer of shrimp roe. The dish is served with a rich egg yolk and truffle, and drizzled with Japanese noodle sauce on the bottom.

春 Spring

海膽鮪魚最中餅 Sea urchin and tuna


Monaka shell is made by steaming glutinous rice into a mochi shape and then baking it over moderate heat to form a crispy crust. Hokkaido sea urchin, sweet tuna and goldfish roe, and fresh perilla leaves are wrapped in Monaka.

北海道海膽烘蛋 北海道じゃがいものトルティージャ


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